nezzy2 floating foundation
Thinking out of the Box

80 % of the global wind energy potential is offshore, in order to exploit this potential, appropriate technologies must be developed and used. In contrast to bottom-fixed foundations, floating foundations can be used in almost all water depths greater than 40 m. The use of floating foundations also offers many other technological and economic advantages.

Additional to these advantages, the ecological advantages are very important. Due to the lack of piling work, noise emissions during installation can be avoided and complete dismantling is possible. The complete product life cycle has already been taken into account in the design, so that the ecological footprint is kept as small as possible.

In addition to risk minimization, ecological and economic aspects were decisive during the entire development process.

aerodyn engineering as a decades experienced turbine designer is developing the cutting edge floating wind turbine system nezzy². The system is extensive tested in wave tanks and offshore in different scaled models.

A nezzy² floating wind turbine system with a rated capacity of 16.6 MW is in production and will sail out in 2023.

Please check out the nezzy² Technology and the nezzy² Tests for more details or see the brochure!